WinTin - Development Page           
WinTin Development Centre

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This page is for developers of WinTin or those interested in using the WinTin Source Code. If you would just like to learn more about Wintin, or to download the latest version, please go to our main site at

Wintin's development site is hosted by Sourceforge. Sourceforge provides us with various facilities, including a CVS archive to hold the code, ftp space, mailing lists and more.

WinTin is under continuous development. A new build, incorporating any changes uploaded by developers, is produced nightly. If you would like to download it, you will find details in the next section.

Daily Build

The source code is compiled and built daily. The most recent successful build can be downloaded here. Rename it to wintin95.exe and copy it in to your Wintin directory.

The last and The second-to-last successful builds are also available.

If the latest build was unsuccessful, the build log will be found here.

Getting The Source Code

WinTin Source Code is only available via cvs. You can download the source code anonymously, without needing to register, but you will need to install cvs in order to do so. Download instructions are here, and you can download Windows versions of ssh and cvs. Please read these installation instructions. If you follow them carefully and set up the environment variables as specified, everything will work.

Becoming A Developer

If you can spare the time to extend WinTin, we hope you will become a developer. The first steps are to create a sourceforge account and join the WinTin development list. When you know what changes you would like to make, discuss them in the list and we will grant you read/write access to cvs so that you can upload your changes directly.

Licensing and Acknowledgements

Wintin Source Code is distributed under the Opensource Artistic License. This places certain restrictions on what you can do with the source in order to provide a degree of control over WinTin's future. Please read the license for details.

Much of WinTin is based on the Unix-based TinTin++ Mud client. The work of the many authors of TinTin++, and indeed those who have contributed to WinTin over the years, is acknowledged in the code. The TinTin++ source was distributed before open source licensing came into fashion, and may be available elsewhere without the restrictions of the Artistic License.